The course planner accessed from HOD homepage is used to create the academic teaching schedule for a course over an extended time period. Once created, the course plan is reflected as categorized containers that are used by teachers to organize the added content, assignments and quizzes.
To create a new course plan start by adding chapters and units. Then add lessons under each unit. (For flexibility, the Chapters and Units are named Topic and Subtopic respectively to accommodate different course structures).

To Add new chapters and Units (Topics and Subtopics):
1.Select the course you want to plan from the list of courses available on your dashboard.
2.Click on the Course Planner link next to the course name.
3.You will be directed to the course planner page for his course.
4.On the Add new Chapter block, write the title for the chapter.
5.Write a description for the chapter (optional).
6.Add a new unit by writing the unit title.
7.Repeat step (6) to add more units.
8.When finished, click on the Add sign.
9.Repeat steps (4 to 8) to add more chapters to this course plan.

To Add Units and lessons to existing chapters:
1.Go to your course planner page.
2.Select the chapter you want to add lessons to.
3.Click on Add Unit to add a new unit to the chapter.
4.Click on a unit to add lessons to that unit.
5.The unit block opens up to the right showing the lessons.
6.Click on Add Lesson to add a new lesson.
7.In the pop up window that opens write the lesson title.
8.Add the expected date for delivering the lesson to the students.
9.Click Save.
To Reorder Chapters, Units and Lessons:
1.Click on the Reorder button on the upper right corner of the course planner.
2.Drag and drop the content to the new order position using the handle on the upper right corner of the chapter block. You can move individual lessons, a complete unit or an entire chapter.
3.Click Save to save the new order or Cancel to cancel the changes.
You can also upload a course plan based on the format provided.
 The HOD can see a list of the courses assigned to him/her and the teachers associated with these courses on the dashboard.
To access a teacher's course homepage, click on the teacher's name or image within the course section. You will be directed to the teacher’s course homepage.

Teacher FAQ

  This means that your account is deactivated by an administrator. This action prevents access to your account temporarily.
Check with your site administrator regarding your status in order to regain unlimited access to your account.
 In general, the head of the department has full access to Teacher courses, content, submitted data, and more.
This supervisional access cannot be controlled or limited by a teacher. All of your content is also shared with people you select through the publishing options while uploading content. Class activities, content, assignments, quizzes and all related items are accessible by students and other teachers who are assigned the same course and class.
 Your system administrator should provide you with your account credentials. Use the username and password provided to you to start using Skolera. 
To log in to your account, follow these steps:
1. Type in your school’s LMS web address (provided by the school administration) in the address bar of your web browser. 
Example: www.myschoollms.com
2. When the login page opens, enter your Username and Password and click on the Login button. 
3. If the login information is correct, you will be directed to your Homepage.
4. If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot Your Password? link. A password reset link will be sent to your registered e-mail.
* If you do not have a valid e-mail registered on the system, or if  you are unable to access your registered e-mail, please contact your Site Administrator to manually reset the password for you.
 My Safe is your digital storage space to store your important files. Once files are uploaded to My Safe, they are accessible by the user from any device anywhere. You can upload files of all non-executable extensions (documents, images, videos, audio, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.). File size limits are set based on the organization’s request. You can download, edit, or delete your files at any time. Teachers can use these files as part of their teaching material. 
To upload your file, click Upload new file.
 You can check your upcoming schedule of lessons you are required to explain. The following steps will show you how to check that schedule and how to mark lessons that have been explained. 
To access a class:
1.Click on the name of the course from the main navigation menu.
Select the class you want to enter from the list of classes under the ribbon. The Course Schedule can be found at the bottom of the page. 
The Course Schedule helps you stick to the time plan and structure set by the head of the department and adjust your pace accordingly. It displays the current week in the middle, two weeks before and two weeks after. If all lessons of a previous week were completed, a green checkmark will appear. If lessons are pending from previous weeks, you will see a warning symbol and the number of pending lessons indicated.
To mark a lesson as explained:
1. Click on the date to display a list of lessons for that week.
2. Check the lessons that are completed. The data is updated automatically.
You can view previous or coming weeks in the schedule by using the forward and backward arrows
 Open the page to any of your classes and you’ll find a Class Policy button in the upper right area of the page. Type in your class policy, then click Save to save it. 
 You can find the New Assignment button on the top right area of the Homepage. Simply click on it and fill in the information to create the assignment.
Quick Create Buttons
Assignment and Quiz quick create buttons, on the upper right side of the home page, act as shortcuts for you to provide you with seamless access to your most frequently required tasks for creating Assignments or Quizzes.
To Create an Assignment:
1.Click on Quick Create New Assignment button.
2.Enter a Name and Description (optional) for your assignment
3.Select your Publish date (now or later). If you select Later, you need to enter a publish date.
4.Select a Course from your assigned courses for which you will create your assignment.
5.By default all classes you teach under this course are added. You deselect any classes you want to exclude by clicking on the class name.
6.Set a grade category for your assignment. You can pick a category from the drop down list.
7.Press Next Step button to proceed.
You will be redirected to the course Create Assignment page to continue creating the assignment. (See Course homepage, Create Assignment).
In Order to publish your created assignment to a certain class: During the process of step 1 “Basic Information”, you can select the name of the desired class from the “Assigned to” tab. 
The gradebook page displays the list of assignments and quizzes as well as other grade items added by the teacher. The grades are organized by grade categories (ex. Classwork, Homework, etc). The name of students enrolled in the course are displayed in the first column, followed by the total mark (A, B, C, etc.) for this item and the grade obtained for each type of assignment. You can also filter grades by date or category.
You can add additional grade columns to enter grades that are not based on assignments or quizzes.
To add Grade Item column:
1.Click on Add grade item button.
2.A pop-up window opens. You can enter Name, Max. Grade and Grading Category.
3.Press “Add” button.
To print grades transcript:
Click on the Print Grade button at the top right side of the page.
To view/print the grades certificate of this course for each student enrolled:
1.Click on any student name on the left.
2.A pop-up window opens, displaying all grades obtained for the specific course.
Click on the Print Grade icon to print the certificate.
 Virtual Class is a powerful communication and collaboration tool. As a class teacher, you can initiate a Virtual Class session. Students are automatically notified that a session is active and can join.
From Teacher Homepage: 
To access a class:
1.Click on the name of the course from the main navigation menu.
Select the class you want to enter from the list of classes under the ribbon
To create a Virtual Class session:
1.Click on the Create Class button.
2.A new browser page will open. Please allow few seconds for the software to load.
3.You will be automatically directed and into the session page
* Audio and Video permissions are controlled by you (the class teacher).
Skolera integrates with BigBlueButtonTM to enable remote and distant interaction.
For more details on using BigBlueButtonTM visit the official help page.
 From the Class Homepage, The Hall of Fame allows the teacher to motivate students by placing up to five students in the list. No criteria is set for the Hall of Fame, but the choice of students is left to your discretion.  You can also see a complete list of students in the class, and press on the name or picture of any of them to see the profile data.
To add a student to the Hall of Fame:
1.Click on Add Student in the Hall of Fame block.
2.Select the student(s) you want to add.
3.Click Add.
 The Behaviour notes page displays the list of Behaviour notes recorded for class students. The records display the student name, category (ex. Bullying, Politeness, Personal Hygiene, etc.), the date on which the note was issued, by whom (whether it’s you or any other teacher), and shared with whom. You can also use the Filter button to show only notes matching specific name, category, or date.
From the Class homepage, Click on Behaviour tab from ribbon menu; 
To add a new note:
Click on Add new note at the top right corner of the page.
A new page opens, where you can select student name and behaviour Category.
Write the behaviour comment, and then check the boxes (at the bottom) for whom you want this note to be shared with (e.g. other Teachers of the student, HoDs, Parents of this student or the student himself).
Press Submit button at the bottom right corner.
To edit or delete a note: (only for notes you recorded)
1.Click the three horizontal dots at the very end of the row.
2.A small window opens, displaying delete or edit options
Press edit or delete.
 The Students page from the Class homepage displays all students enrolled in this particular class. As a teacher, you can directly contact any of the students or their parents via messages.
To send a message to a parent:
1.Under the student photo, Click on the icon at the right side.
2.A pop-up window opens, displaying a screen where you can write the subject and its content.
3.Press send message.
To send a message to multiple students or parents:
1.Select the students you want to contact by checking the select box under the photo. You can select “select all” box which appears at the top left after selecting the first student.
Follow the same steps above to send messages to the selected student or their parents.

Student FAQ


To log in to your account follow these steps:

1. Type in your school LMS web address (provided by the school administration) in the address bar of your web browser.

Ex.: www.myschoolname.com

2. When the login page opens, enter your Username and Password and click on the Login button.

3. If the log in information is correct, you will be directed to your Homepage.


If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot Your Password? link. A password reset link will be sent to your registered e-mail.

* If you do not have a valid e-mail registered on the system, or if you are unable to access your registered e-mail, please contact your Site Administrator to manually reset the password for you.


The To-Do list (Currently available for Teachers and Students), allows users to keep track of the tasks they need to accomplish. It appears on the Homepage and Course Homepage for Teachers and on the Homepage for students.

To add a new To-do task:

1.Locate the To-Do section on your page

2.In the Textbox above the To-Do list, write a new task.

3.The new task is added to the top of the list.

 As a student, you can view your workload table directly at your Homepage
The dashboard shows a Progress Chart reflecting the student’s performance in the different subjects based on the grades obtained in Quizzes and Assignments. Underneath the chart is an indicator of the student’s Attendance below which there is his Workload and a list of recent Posts.
It displays your upcoming duties whether it is an Event, Assignment, or a Quiz. The number of tasks due is written next to the date. You can filter the view by selecting the course you want to inspect.
Using the arrows on both sides of This Week display tasks for previous or future periods. Tasks are colour coded to make it easier to identify.
 Virtual Class is a powerful communication and collaboration tool. As a class teacher initiates a Virtual Class session, you and other students are automatically notified that a session is active and can join.
 In the student Class overview page, you can see the Weekly Plan for this course, showing lessons to be taken and tasks due this week.
 From Class overview page, click on the Assignments page where you can find assignments posted by your teacher(s) for this course.
The assignments are categorized by Topic, Subtopic, and lessons. The assignment name is displayed. A green dot indicates an open (active) assignment with the due date next to it. A red dot indicates a closed (inactive)assignment and the date on which it was closed is written next to it. Closed or finished assignments are assignments whose due dates have passed.
You can view more information about an assignment by clicking on the assignment name.
The Details tab displays basic and curriculum information about the assignment. You can click on Solve Online (if allowed by teacher) to solve the assignment online, Download Assignment to download assignment resources (if any were uploaded), or View Content to view the assignment text written by the teacher.
 Your parents have access to your entire data including learning duties and workloads, as well as your progress according to Quizzes and Assignment submission. Also, they can track your attendance, shared content and more.
 You can message your teacher from the Course Homepage, through where you can access action pages related to this specific course. The ribbon menu at the top includes Overview (opened by default), Content, Assignments, Quizzes, Grades, Attendance, Posts, Virtual Class, and Ask Teacher tabs. 
In order to send a message to your teacher
1-Select a teacher
2-Select a subject for your message from the following options (Assignment, Quiz, Report, Question or Excuse)
3- Type your message in the text box below and press send message.
 Your Acquired badges are displayed automatically in your Homepage. You can also click the “view all” tab in order to view all of your owned badges. You can also view each badge’s date, and the criteria for you have achieved it by clicking on it. 
 Yes, by clicking on an image or name of the behaviour note displayed on your Homepage.

Parent FAQ

 After receiving your account details, as well as credentials from, the administrator, you can immediately login to your account.
In order to login, kindly follow the following instructions;
Log in
To log in to your account follow these steps:
1. Type in your school LMS web address (provided by the school administration) in the address bar of your web browser. 
Ex.: www.myschoolnamelms.com
2. When the login page opens, enter your Username and Password and click on the Login button.
3. If the login information is correct, you will be directed to your Homepage.
4. If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot Password link. A password reset link will be sent to your registered e-mail.
* If you do not have a valid e-mail registered on the system, or if you are unable to access your registered e-mail, please contact your Site Administrator to manually reset the password for you.
 The Parent Homepage is the default page to open after a successful login by a parent. On the left side of the page is the Main Navigation Menu with the following tabs: Homepage, My Courses, My Children, Calendar, My Zones, and Connect. On the top right side of the page you can see three icons for Notifications, Messages, and Announcements. To the right of these icons is a drop down arrow which opens more options including Log Out and Help.

The Dashboard
The dashboard displays the General School Calendar, Recent Messages, School Notifications, and Zones. The Notifications can be displayed as Personal; the notifications related to the parent in person, or notifications related to students. You can use the dropdown menu to choose which notifications to display.
 Accessing your profile you and clicking on your image or name of a user opens your profile page. The data displayed are changeable 
To Edit or Change Profile data:
1.Click on your image to go to your profile page.
2.Hover over the data you want to edit or change.
3.Click the edit icon.
4.Enter the new data.
To Change your password:
1- On the right side of the page, click on the “change your password” button below your name
2-A pop-up window opens requiring you to type in your old password 
3-Type your new password and confirm it
4- Press change password
 When a parent logins into his/her account, all data about his/her children is automatically synchronized. If a parent later needs to add another child who has recently enrolled to the school, the school admin will contact us to complete the process.
 You can access course related menus through one of your children’s course pages. The ribbon menu at the top includes Overview (opened by default), Content, Assignments, Quizzes, Grades, Attendance, Posts, and Virtual Class. To contact a teacher, find the Contact Teacher tab on the right.
To send a message to a teacher:
1. Click on Courses and select a course, or select a course directly from the list of courses.
2. Click on Contact Teacher.
3. Select the Teacher you want to send a message to.
4. Select the Message type.
5. Write a message subject and the message.
6. Click on Send Message.
 Besides being able to monitor every single detail about your children's learning progress, with Skolera, you can also create your personal events through the Calendar.
 As a parent, Skolera’s mobile App will  let you know directly whenever there is a Class about to start, missed deadlines, events, deadlines, and more.