School Communication & Collaboration System

Skolera enables your school to communicate with all teachers, students, and parents through a single platform, using push notification, SMS, and email.

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Features of School Communication & Collaboration System

Send Emails or SMS to Users

Communication is the key to the success of any institution. You can easily send emails or mobile SMS to parents and students to keep them informed of any updates, events, fees due, or upcoming meetings, etc.

Set up Email and SMS Automatic Notifications

To save you time and effort and to avoid unwanted delays, you can set up notifications to be automatically sent by email or SMS. You can specify when to send notifications and to whom.

Create Forms and Templates

Using the form builder, you can easily create templates for forms used regularly in the school. Share the forms with different groups or selected users, get their feedback, and start analyzing the feedback to improve staff performance.

Staff and Students Task Management

Create tasks and assign them to staff or students in your school. You can then follow up on the status and progress of theses tasks and get notified when done.

Polls and Surveys Management

Knowing users' feedback and opinion on a particular topic can often help admins make an informed decision. Create polls and surveys to quickly gather users opinions and views.

Complaints Management

It is important to listen to complaints and take the right measures to correct mistakes and sometimes take disciplinary action. Use the complaint form to record complaints and measures taken in response.

News Management

Sharing the latest news and school-related information help strengthen the feelings of belonging and loyalty among all school members. With Skolera, you can easily publish the latest news and keep everyone updated.

Gallery Creation

Create digital photo albums using a modern and refreshed UI. Share photos and images and let users feel part of the event. You can easily and quickly upload multiple photos at once or delete a complete album.

It’s Time to Go Paperless. Save Your Resources and Enhance Your School Communication and Collaboration System!