List all the courses in the school along with the number of classes and students in each course grouped by gender. Generate a list of all the subjects taken in the school and use filters to show subjects assigned to a particular class.
Generate class lists or other reports for students based on your needs and requirements.
List all employees in your school, or filter based on specific criteria and generate a report of those employees.
Find out if your students have paid their fees or not, and single out fee defaulters.
Issue payrolls and generate a report for your employee payslips. You can also generate reports on specific payroll categories.
It is always useful to know where you stand on the finance side. These easy to generate pre-built reports will help you know your position and status.
Find out all you need about your school transport such as buses, routes, capacity, drivers, and assigned students or employees.
What do we still have in stock? Do we need to buy more? Find the answer to these questions by a quick look at the inventory reports.
If the report you need is not pre-built in the system, no problem. Create your own custom report. Select the filters, the date and the columns required to be displayed and the report will be generated. The report will be automatically updated based on any changes in data.